Monday 25 July 2016

Hmmm.. Hmmmm..

Person 2:Hmm.. Hmm.. Hmm..
Person 1: anything else?
Person 2: hmm.. nothing..
Person 1: ok then.. it was nice talking to you ..will catch up soon.. bye
Person 2: hmm..bye

How many of you have ended up like person 2 in a conversation? I bet many of you are like me when it comes to talking to a person who is neither a stranger nor a close one. The other person would normally have to both initiate and end the conversation. Being silent in a conversation doesn't mean that the person is actually quiet. Being silent  does not mean the other person is boring and this person  is not interested to talk. Being silent also does not mean that there is some problem with the language skills. Being silent just means the person needs some more time to engage with others. The exact amount of time varies from person to person. Being silent also means that the person is not so extrovert that he/she can strike instant conversation with anyone. There are many instances when people get offended because the other person failed to respond in a conversation. Even I have encountered many such situations. When I meet people who are also of type 2, I  try to turn myself into type 1 and initiate the conversations. When I get the response, I would continue the conversation. When I do not  get the response that I expected, I quietly turn to be a type 2 person again. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of patience to start and end the conversations.There are few who had it in them from the very beginning to be of type 1 person, while few others have mastered the art. There are few others as well who quietly change their personality according to the situation. The conversation will be  interesting only if we have persons of both types in it. Imagine if all of are type 1 , then the conversation will go hyper :) like wise all of type 2 would end up being like a slow motion movie .. It is this variety in human that makes talking both interesting and informative ! So all you type 1 folks, anyone ready for a conversation? I am ready to say hmm.. :) 

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