Tuesday 23 February 2016

Chasing the Mirage!

When I was around 10 years,our family went to Delhi for a vacation. On a sunny day we were travelling in an ambassador car when I first saw a shadow in the long distance. My car never reached it, how much ever distance the driver covered, the shadow seemed to be at some distance. I gave up my hope of reaching the shadow and finally asked my parents why our car could never reach the shadow at a distance. It was only then I got to know that it was a mirage, a shadow that never existed!
Looking back, I wonder how many times have I run behind something, which never really existed or which wasn't worth the run! While in 10th, the goal was to run for a seat in first group, and in 12th, it was for an engineering seat, then for a job, marriage, kids , and finally for a peaceful life. Running behind the mirage how many times have we lost the path to a better today! While in school, I had this habit of talking only in English language with my teachers and classmates, thanks to my first teacher who appreciated my language skills when I joined the school. This small appreciation and the subsequent ones later from different people made me a person to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Just to keep my language skills intact, I lost my student life. Those days in a government aided school,nobody preferred a friend who always spoke in a foreign language all the time. I could hardly communicate with any other classmates and most of the time ended up speaking to teachers! What was the reason? The feeling that if  I spoke native language I would lose my spoken English and I wouldn't be able to survive in the future. But what about the others who are in good position today? Well they learnt the language, lived their student life, and used the language as a communication tool whenever required. Live your present life, think about the future. I did the exact opposite, lived for the future and now thinking about the past! I just chased a mirage! 

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